Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Power of a Poem

This weekend there is a wedding at the church and one of the readings is the Dr. Seuss poem, "Oh the Places We'll Go".  What a wonderful poem to describe a new adventure, a step into relationship, with an understanding of the ups and downs of life and committed togetherness.
Dr. Seuss' images are powerful illustrations of truths that preachers preach, teachers teach, and prophets prophesy.  His stories and poems remind humans of what is truly important and reconfigures how people see themselves.
Grace is found in the learnings of each of his stories: the deep theme, the important truth, the quirky characters, and of course the delightul pictures and the metered rhyme.
Take a moment to "google" - "Oh the Places We'll Go".  Enjoy this poem as a devotion for today.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Vacation: Day 1

This was a vacation day, the first one since last October -and that was really school not vacation.  The sun was shining: the first grace.  Eco-shopping at Value Village on their 1/2 price day was next: grace two.  The front porch has been washed and the solar lights put up, as well as hanging baskets: grace three.  A super full day, with all kinds of other happenings, and a good tired -tired from things that were done out of want not necessity - a good tired has come over the household: grace four.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Runner's Psalm

Runner’s Psalm         -Rev.Kimberlynn McNabb 2012

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.
It’s been weeks since I have heard you.
I tie up my shoes to run away,
Sneakers running from chaos.
You have remained silent:
Quiet in the face of death, upon death
Funeral to funeral
You have stepped aside,
In crisis been invisible.
And the sneakers go, 5k
Angrily carrying me away:
Pray, pray, pray.
Silent you have been at home -
Teenagers rail as boyfriends change and life decisions overwhelm,
The brunt of tears and anger fall to me, parent.
And still there are no words, no comfort.
Where is the One who makes us lie down in green pastures,
leads us beside still waters?
And the sneakers go, 10k
Thumping out the rhythm: pray, pray, pray.
Hear the prayers of the people, O God
Incline your ear to me, to us:
For those suffering, for those places, of
prejudice and injustice
            Hunger and pain
            Darkness and malaise of the heart...Lord in your mercy...
And the sneakers go, 15k
Pray, pray, pray.
In loving kindness, have mercy on me, O God
For I am stubborn, busy, driven...
Create in me a clean heart,
renew a right spirit within me
And the sneakers go, 20k
Pray, pray, pray.
And there you are in kilometer 21
Almost home, you find me in exhaustion;
            Empty, prayed out.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me.
You sing for me a new song, envision a new race
And so I return home renewed,
Running in steadfast love, singing God’s faithfulness forever. 

Reflection on Church Community and Intimate Partner Violence

Trigger warning: please note that this sermon mentions intimate partner violence and domestic abuse. When starting in a new job, settling ...