I see one more real estate or renovation show where the kitchen is completely
white, I think I will puke. Oh, wait, perhaps that is too much about me. Let me
start again.
that you find yourself in a newly renovated open concept kitchen with: a back
splash of smooth white subway tiles, crisp white cabinetry, white quartz
countertops, white molding, and a French door with white framing. How does this
room make you feel? How does it make you think? What adjective would you use to
describe the space? Perfect? Fresh?
I am extremely biased – please note my
disclaimer – I have no problem with all white kitchens or people who like them
or have them; it is just that I would not be happy if that was my full-time
am pondering this on Trinity Sunday because the readings are not the white
kitchen. The scriptures for today have layered images, circular patterns, and stretched
a basic description of God into something beyond crisp, lineated, and squarely
readings had my mind think of ‘Colour Runs.’ For a colour run people gather at
the start line wearing white t-shirts. The group is going to run what has been
dubbed, ‘the happiest 5k on the planet.’ There is no time limit, no medals, no
winners, and no serious racing. During the race, participants are doused in
different colours of powdered corn starch. By the end of the race, white
t-shirts (and the rest of the runner too) are plastered in colour – vibrant
pinks, lime greens, fluorescent yellows, brilliant blues. This craze started 10
years ago and is now the largest running series in the world; running in 50+
countries and experienced by over 8 million runners.
their website it says, “Our mission at The Colour Run is to bring people
together and make the world a happier, healthier place.”
the participants at the end of the run, covered in vibrant colours, laughing, joy-filled,
dirty, playful. The chaos of it … this is how I picture God as Trinity. This is
how I imagine grace. This is how I imagine kindom. … in full colour, exuberant, playful,
unexpected, filled with joy and a little chaos too.
suppose too -God- is like stepping out
your door after an early spring rain: when greens are lush, flowers are bright,
bird song is bursting, the air smells sweet, and creation is full of texture
and delights. This is Trinity, kindom.
understanding of God is coloured by my imagination. I start with a whiteboard
and draw, write, erase, add; grow ideas and thoughts and feelings. Others can
add to the board too – in whatever colour they choose. Dream dreams. Vision. Innovate.
Create. God, described as like imagination, is expansive, robust, never-ending,
curious, playful, joyful, filled with surprises.
Fulghum, American author and Unitarian minister wrote:
believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent
than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always
triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I
believe that love is stronger than death.”
this not a modern way to express what the Apostle Paul writes in Romans?
believe – since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our
Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which
we stand, and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. And not only that
we boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and
endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not
disappoint, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy
Spirit that has been given to us. ----Rom. 5: 1-5
grace, as pouring over and plastering a plainly dressed me, in every colour of
the rainbow; standing in that grace --- changes me.
some ways, community is like coloured cornstarch at a Colour Run. In community
I change colour: when I hear peoples’ stories of suffering and endurance, when
I notice peoples’ characters growing, when I see and hear expressions of hope,
when I witness the sharing of one’s heart, when love is given. I am changed!
the connections and relationships painted in community are people accessing the
grace in which they stand and spreading it into the world. Trinity inundates the world and imagination
grows exponentially.
author, Neil Gailman, wrote:
all have an obligation to daydream. We have an obligation to imagine. It is
easy to pretend that nobody can change anything, that society is huge and the individual
is less than nothing. But the truth is individuals make the future, and they do
it by imagining that things can be different.”
confess that at times I get lost in a spiral of despair, that the world is
falling apart, and question ‘what is the point of all this anyway?’ Until I am reminded
to look around – stand in grace- imagine that things can be different.
where is it that I am reminded of this?
community, in scripture story, in creation.
is no small task to endure and persevere. It is no small task to hope. It is no
small task to love.
mission is much the same as that of The Colour Run: our mission is to bring
people together and make the world a happier, more hopeful, and love-filled
we do this by standing in grace – and using imagination image something different;
Trinity different, kindom different.
God is not dead or non-existent as some assume, perhaps it is a lack of imagination
and not taking the time to daydream. Maybe
we are guilty of putting God in a box – shackling the work of Trinity- by
failing to dream dreams, see visions, and prophesy images of a coming kindom; a
kindom that can come now, imagined into being.
We have been wearing plain t-shirts and trying to keep them clean, instead
of being bold, getting messy, playing, participating in creating community, and
imagining a world filled with endurance, hope, and love.
this Trinity Sunday, let us stand in grace, being filled and spattered with colour.
May our imaginations and daydreams run wild, getting to work, imagining a world
filled with the Trinity of endurance, hope, and love.
imagined, we are changed; God- Trinity is let out of the box to colour the
world so that all can stand in grace. And the world is reimagined, change, covered
with endurance, hope, love.