Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weather in Halifax

If you were to speak to a Haligonian about the summer of 2011, you would probably get a groan and perhaps a rolling of the eyes.  It has been wet, very, very, wet!  Or so was thought...last night on the news, Haligonians were informed that less rain has fallen this summer than last.  The difference on the ground is that there have been way more over cast days; either fog or days threatening rain. 
Who knows what number of dark icky day today is?
Lots of tweets, emails, and conversations today are including head aches, sleepiness, popping ears, and blah moods.
Where to find grace in this...
well the head aches and popping ears might suggest that the weather pressure is changing...perhaps bringing some sun?
getting some extra sleep?
not working as quickly, perhaps a more summer relaxed speed that is too often forgotten?
hodgepodge, or as it is called in my house "ruskumsnusk", tastes even better on a damp day?

grace is the hope that in future days the sun will shine brightly.
It is a reminder that we are called to hope that the darkness and overcast skies in the world will one day shine brightly with God's shalom.  It is a reminder that we have a part in making this happen.
O for the Spirit to move through the world, through God's people, blowing the fog and darkness off the ends of the earth.

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