Sunday, June 24, 2012

amidst giants and storms

The readings for Sunday service were David and Goliath, and Jesus calming the storm.
It was ask of those in attendance to consider the "giants" that this world faces today -those things that seem so huge that they are impossible to fight, let alone beat.  Giants: war, slavery, environmental degridation, epidmeics, poverty.
Then it suggested that such giants are not faced by one person but, rather by a community.  David goes out to fight Goliath on behalf of his community.  He goes with a deep trust and faith.  He also carries something extremely special and priceless.  David goes with FIVE SMOOTH STONES on his belt.
The stones were taken, not when Daivd was with Goliath, but when David was with his people, in community. Perhaps the stones are a reminder of the five books of the Torah and all the knowledge their in.
What is it that you learn in community, what stones have you found to take into the world to fight the giants?  Has your community given you stones of hope, grace,faith, trust, love, peace, humility, patience, more hope?
Choose your stones and with the whole community go into the world and dispel the darkness, slay the giants one stone at a time.

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