Sunday, January 13, 2019

My Name Is GRACE (Baptism of our Lord)

 Note that this sermon uses an extended reading of the Isaiah text in the RCL.

It’s me, that LABEL. The label you were given as a child ---that you are not smart enough, fast enough, or as good as the kid next door. I travelled unrestrained from the mouth of your parents, the bullies, teachers and nestled in your ear. I wormed my way into your being, dragging along hurtful words from friends, contempt of colleagues, disapproving looks from those around you. I am a jailor, who makes sure you hear these words, over and over again, until the LABELS become dark tattoos on your soul.  As a LABEL I imprison you. You believe what others have, and do, call you; you are hindered to discover the true you.

God’s voice speaks of the covenant people: Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased.
I formed you. I made you. 
I formed you…to open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from confinement,
 and from the dungeon those who live in darkness.

It’s me, that SECRET. The secret you hold on to, that thing you don’t want anyone else knowing about you.  When out in public you put on a mask to hide, you. You have kept me to yourself for so long; confined - I am a part of you, I weigh on you. You go out of your way to keep me silent, sometimes lying, shading the truth, and so I enslave you.  I am compounded by other secrets, items you are holding onto for others. I’m like a magnet, adorned with infidelities, embellished with improprieties, and craving more layers to bury you under.

God’s voice speaks of the covenant people: Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased.
I formed you I made you. 

I formed you…to open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from confinement,

 and from the dungeon those who live in darkness.

SHAME, that’s me.  I wrap my victims in fear of failure and embarrassment.  I bind you in your self-named unforgettable mistakes. I spend my time seducing you into self doubt, forcing you to believe that circumstances were/are all your fault, even when you had no control over the initial situation. That painful feeling that swells from your conscience of a deed done that is dishonourable or improper; I bind that to your person, and it embeds itself from generation to generation. SHAME, I pervasively send my tendrils to the past, to the future, and cast a shadow over any hope to be set free.

God’s voice speaks of the covenant people: Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased.
I formed you.I made you. 

I formed you…to open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from confinement,

 and from the dungeon those who live in darkness.

GUILT, that’s me.  You are captive to my wiles, every time you utter the words, I would have, I could have, I should have; my hands are on you, accusing you that yes you would, should, could have. In my grip these thoughts continued to run around unfettered and you thus are constrained by my power. You are guilty. As long as I am present you are limited in your ability to heal. You can not, you will not.

God’s voice speaks of the covenant people: Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased.
I formed you. I made you. 

I formed you…to open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from confinement,

 and from the dungeon those who live in darkness.

UNFORGIVENESS, that’s me. I am a strong stifling presence that amplifies trespasses; your own, or those done to you. I take hurts and wheedle them into your heart, cooling your heart until it is hardened towards the one who hurt you.  As UNFORGIVENESS I eat up any thoughts of grace. I restrict relationship. I flourish in environments that are crusty, angry, hostile---- arid wastelands; that with each passing day get drier and drier.

God’s voice speaks of the covenant people: Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased.
I formed you. I made you. 

I formed you…to open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from confinement,

 and from the dungeon those who live in darkness.

Labels, secrets, shame, guilt, and unforgiveness are presented to us this morning as examples of human imprisonment. Each of us has experienced being a prisoner within ourselves. We have felt confined.  We have felt like we were living in darkness.
The reading from Isaiah, speaks of the covenant people; we consider ourselves part of God’s people. As individuals we are prone to cage ourselves in self-made prisons and to wallow in darkness. Through Isaiah, God speaks to people as a people; a community. God identifies the roll of God’s people – together, as one- the people are called for the victory of justice.
God writes this love letter to the covenant people, reminding them that they are precious, loved, created. We heard the verse were God recites, I have grasped you by the hand, I formed you. I set you as a covenant people, meaning that God is in relationship with them as a whole (regardless of individuals wrestling with labels, secrets, shame, guilt, and unforgiveness).
And because of this -this outpouring from God- the covenant community is a light for the nations.
Then the poem backtracks to complete the thought of the line, I, the Lord, have called you for the victory of justice.
The victory of justice happens when the covenant community focus on opening the eyes of the blind, bringing out prisoners from confinement, and from the dungeon those who live in darkness.
As a covenant people this is our calling.

GRACE. That’s me.
Once upon a time the people were full of anticipation and wondering in their hearts, waiting and actively searching for the Messiah. When the people and Jesus were being baptized, while in prayer, the skies opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus. A voice answered the people’s anticipation and wondering, You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased.  I was there. I was with the Spirit.  I was in the answer.
As GRACE, Jesus poured me out to heal the blind, to cast out demons, to raise the dead; GRACE shattered people’s prisons and set people free.  The day of Jesus’ death, God’s love cascaded from the cross, and has continually flowed, washing through the waters of baptism, eroding human made prisons, and flooding darkness with light.
Within community, I am a wave.  Individuals together, become a covenant people: in cleansing confession, in the washing of baptism, and in the sharing of the Holy Meal. Throughout worship the power in the wave builds.  In each sacrament I melt into your fabric, quenching your thirst, and satisfying the depths of your soul. Bathing in GRACE, human made prisons are redeemed. Being labelled is liberated to you being WELCOMED;  secrets drift to the freedom of being OPEN; shame dissolves and you find yourself to be HONOURABLE; guilt filters out to leave you BLAMELESS -Anointed with the Holy Spirit and power; and unforgiveness is washed away in a torrent of grace, where you stand FORGIVEN - You are my beloved, with you I am well pleased.
When leaving this community on a Sunday, you remain a covenant people, connected by GRACE through FAITH. You are buoyed by the love of God in relationship.  You leave riding a wave – GRACE- into the world; it is water with power. Because of me you are fit to loosen the straps of those who are bound. Freedom comes in the voice that breaks into the human prison with the Good News; you are WELCOMED, free to be OPEN, you are HONOURABLE, BLAMELESS, and FORGIVEN!

God’s voice speaks of the covenant people: Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased.
I formed you.  I made you. 

I formed you…to open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from confinement,

 and from the dungeon those who live in darkness.

As a covenant people, in relationship, baptized into community- put into action words from the book of Acts:  go about doing good works and healing all who are oppressed BOXED IN, CAGED, IMPRISONED, by the devil; for God is with you.

1 comment:

  1. we need to be constantly reminded that God does indeed love us


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