Saturday, May 28, 2022




No not like we think about it, as in come toward, come here, come this instance.


See I am coming soon (Rev. 22: 12)

Two thousand years later, where is this coming, when is this coming.  Soon?


Come – the Greek word is ERCHOMAI-

To come, to go, to arrive, to bring, to enter; to expect.

ERCHOMAI-  to give, to fall; to grow, to light, to turn.

ERCHOMAI – to start and to set out

Come – a movement without implying destination.

COME, ERCHOMAI an expansive invitation to journey in God’s time.


Jesus in calling the disciples said, “Come follow me.” (Luke 18: 22)

Jesus turned and saw John the Baptists’ disciples following and said to them … “Come and see.” (John 1: 38-9)

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matt. 19: 14)

Jesus invited: Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest. (Matt. 11: 28)

Even demons received an invitation – come –

Jesus said, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit.” (Mark 5:8)


COME – in its fullness is the centre of centuries of prayer.

Jesus taught the disciples to pray:  Your kingdom come. (Luke 11:2)

COME – listen carefully; this is mind blowing talk;

Fluid, evolutionary, revolutionary.


p-hoof with hand expression, exaggerated facial expression


The invitation to come – for God’s kindom to come-

Collapses, amplifies, resets, augments, redistributes time;

The human conception and perception of time.

God’s kindom come is moving but, isn’t moving towards us or away from us;

We are immersed in it.

It is here and not here and yet everywhere; the Alpha, Omega, the beginning and the end;

What was, what is, what is to be.


Once upon a time…

Coming out of the water, Jesus saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descend like a dove on him. “You are my beloved; with you I am well pleased.” (Mark 1: 10-1)

As Jesus -come into himself- began in earnest; kindom come.


Nathanael said, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.”

And he did; and we do.

towards the end of Jesus’ human existence Jesus specifically says

The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. (John 12: 23)

And here kindom came – yet, not;

Started not finished

Christ’s time – God’s time- starts with the invitation COME.

For centuries the kindom remains and has started over and over,

Come, come, come.

“We want to think that the kingdom is coming to us, like a bus on a route. And we want to think it is arriving soon, not that it is just starting out.”  (


We want deliverance now from a world gone mad.

We hope, we plead

Come soon

Before another school shooting; before another destructive life-taking windstorm; before more whales are found dead in our waters; before another deadly disease; before another terror attack, new war, or nuclear war;

Come soon

Come inoculate the human race - now –

 from the fast-spreading virus of anger, fear, and violence.


The invitation is offered new, COME, in each moment, with each reading, with each proclamation, with each sharing, with each telling, with each invitation to friends/family and others that we give:


The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let everyone who hears say, “Come.” And let everyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who wishes take the water of life as a gift. (Rev. 22:17)


Friend COME with me – together let us go hand in hand and quench our thirst;

Enemy COME with me – together let us go hand in hand and lay down our burdens;

How many have been invited and started the journey by this word?

Come – and a group of disciples do

Come – and disciples of John do

Come – and demons do

Come – and children do

Come – and the heavy-laden do, the thirsty do, all those who hear do

Come – and the hosts of heaven, heaven and earth and all their creatures, the angels and arch-angels, the cherubim and seraphim, Mary Magdalene and Peter, and the great cloud of witnesses do;

Come – and we do, washed in the waters of baptism;

And in that moment the stepping into the invitation to come,

starts the journey of kindom with Christ in the community

Together carrying the burden of and quenching the fire of anger, fear, violence

And God’s time -the kindom- rings with resurrection and hope;

“Surely I am coming soon.” And a myriad of voices respond - Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! (Rev. 22: 20)


As people of faith – those having COME – those who continue to come

Those who show up in daily life and live the best they can

Being apart of the ‘coming’ journey – part of the kindom;

Praying “your kindom come”

Responding “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!



We COME to be together as one; to hope together.

We COME to wash our robes.

At the call to COME we wash off the soot of the world, the residue of apathy, ashes of hopelessness, the grit of lawlessness, and any sediment of shame

We COME to fully participate in the journey of God’s time, God’s kindom, and Jesus’ prayer that all may be one.



Hymn 955  - Come to the Water of Life, from “All Creation Sings,” Augsburg Fortress 2020

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