Thursday, September 1, 2022

Online Summer Camp - FIRE - Day 5


Breath of a Dragon’s

The pile of ashes is all that remains

It’s hard to remember the before


 We sit in the ashes

Sifting the ashes

The grey blowing ashes

Searching for what remains


Is there life?

Or will there be?

And yet,

Life probes  the edges

Seeking to enter again



When we start a fire we

Turn green into red then black then grey


Those pathways we followed are incinerated

Our vistas devoured by tongues

Sucking dry all that was life


Oh how our hearts break

Oh how we plead to the heavens


If only we knew

If only we could start again

If only we could throw away our flames

The words, the fists, the angry retort

But the flames grow

The dragon circles the earth

And breathes the fires that shrivel life.


How can we transform what is shattered?

How can we turn ashes into seeds?

How can we turn scars into skin?

Will  immolated relationships begin to breathe again?


Turn our anger into understanding

Help us to find life in the barren rocks

Soften our eyes to see another

May our tears moisten and wash us clean

So we can embrace our darkness and be embraced

And nurture the fruitfulness of God’s garden.


Lidvald Haugen-Strand

August 10, 2022

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