Saturday, July 29, 2023

Say What, Now?! (Pentecost 9A)


Say what, now?!

Yes? Hey! Disciples!  the answer is no, no you do not understand.

Perhaps you understand the kindom parables. Versed in the words of the prophets, living in covenant with God, following the Law, you have interpreted – know- what Jubilee Year, what God’s reign, what shalom, what Messiah, what new creation is. Yes, you understand through your 1st Century lens, that judgement is simply the removal of ‘bad fish,’ nothing to do on your part or within the rest of the Hebrew community. Evil will be plucked out and thrown away, and you can go on, as is – minus the evil that was around you. Praise the Lord.


What you don’t know is what is coming.

After your YES, Jesus speaks further -

Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.

Say what, now?!


The beginning of chapter 13 of Matthew has Jesus telling parables to the crowds. The disciples ask Jesus why he teaches in this way, trying to understand the purpose and meaning. The chapter closes with a return to the notion of understanding using the image of a scribe.

The Hermineutica commentary interprets the scribes to be those who open up the treasures of wisdom. Scribes are those of a learned class who study Hebrew scripture and serve as copyists, editors, teachers, jurists.

Those who have been trained for the kindom of heaven – meaning Jesus’ disciples, those who answer ‘yes’ to understanding these things – is the master of a household who brings out treasure, what is new and what is old; a master who brings out treasures of wisdom.

Have you understood all this?


Yes --- No, no you do not understand.

What you don’t know is what is coming.


This wisdom – old and new- is Word; written in the Law, scripted on parchment as spoken through prophets, scripted in Words spoken over the waters to create; written on hearts; the Word become flesh. Wisdom to be made known in preaching Jesus.  It is not in the message where the wisdom is scripted, it is embodied in the recipients. It is not that the ‘bad fish’ get removed – and life goes on – it is Wisdom that catches; fish are released to proclaim that they have been changed through the experience of being caught. Some go and some rot. Have you understood all this?


O disciples, the day is coming when

The kindom of heaven is like a mustard seed, the kindom of heaven is like yeast, treasure in a field,, fine pearl, net in the sea… when these will be dimed by the magnitude of the very kindom Wisdom has tried to describe;

On that day God will scribe a story so powerful that God’s action is not simply the removal of evil but rather that the righteous likewise are changed, becoming a new creation.

God – through Jesus- the Word- your Teacher, your hoped for Messiah – will be crucified; not to assuage sin; but to illuminate and inscribe on hearts to what length God will go to unconditionally love the world. God loved the world so much that…

God dared to set God-self aside to suffer and die; to die on a cross.

Say what, now?!


Yes, God’s covenant loyalty and relationality -God’s love is that grand.

A love so grand it changes the scribe – the learned, the jurist, the copyist, the conveyor of scripture text.

O disciples, be prepared for that is not the end of Wisdom’s story, the day is coming when you will proclaim:

Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.


Three days after death Jesus comes again. It is written that the women find the tomb empty and as they go to tell you this “Suddenly Jesus met them and said, ‘Greetings!’ And they came to Jesus, took hold of his feet, and worshiped him.


Have you understood all this?

Yes. Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.


Perhaps you understand the kindom parables. Versed in the death and resurrection stories of the Gospels, living in the covenant of baptism, filled with the Holy Spirit, you interpret  - know- what communion, what church, what commonwealth, what shalom, what heaven, what new creation is. Yes, you understand through a 21st Century lens that grace trumps judgement. You have not lived in a world where this full expression of God has not been present.

And yet, have you understood all this?


Yes. Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.


This wisdom – old and new- is Word; written in the Law, scripted on parchment as spoken through prophets, scripted in Words spoken over the waters to create; written in the Gospels; inscribed on hearts;  the Word become flesh. Wisdom to be made known in preaching Jesus.  It is not in the message where the wisdom is scripted, it is embodied in the recipients.

This grace gets engraved on the tablets of the heart, encoded into our DNA, an embodied presence of Jesus the Christ.

And because of this grace -this treasure of wisdom- we can boldly proclaim YES.

Preaching Jesus we say…

Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.


Say what, now?!

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