Friday, June 17, 2011

Wise Words from a Wise Man

"All of these religions can make an effective contribution for the benefit of humanity. They are all designed to make the individual a happier person, and the world a better place.  However, in order for the religion to have an impact in making the world a better place, I think it's important for teh individual practitioner to sincerely practice the teachings of that religion.  One must integrate the religious teachings into one's life, wherever one is, so one can use them as a source of inner strength.  And one must gain a deeper understanding fo the religioun's ideas, not just on an intellectual level but with a deep feeling, making them part of one's inner experience."
-p295, "The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living", his holiness the Dali Lama and Howard C.Cutler, MD (2009: Riverhead Books)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

a quote full of grace

-from Don Quixote, Miguel De Cervantes

"I'll say that he is wise who loveth well,
And that the soul most free is that most bound
In thraldom to the ancient tyrant Love."

Monday, June 13, 2011

Rain inside and out

The weather outside has pretty much been rainy and that is what the weather calls for for the upcoming week.  Outside rain can be rationalized:  the flowers need it, it makes the grass bright green, it gives me good hair days, a cup of tea tastes so good (to take off the chill); at some level it makes us connect with being "rugged Canadians"; for those in the country wells are not running dry....  in rain grace can be found.
 Where it is harder to find grace is in a house where the weather changes 4 or 5 times a day; chalk it up to teenage hormones, having to make life-choices, past baggage, parenting boo-boos, depression (seasonal affective disorder), asserting ones independence, wanting excitement...what does one wear when facing weather like this?
I'm seriously thinking about wearing my yellow slicker inside to give a hint to eveyrone that I am prepared for whatever they want to through my way.  Would seeing mom in a yellow slicker make one stop and think before hailing insults?
Many parents speak of remembering earlier images of their children sleeping peacefully, little smiles on their faces.  Those memories are not in an adoptive parent's bag of tricks, as sleeping for children who have been in care is usually sporadic and animated with movement or night terrors.
 Present storms are like tornadoes, where there is calm, followed by horrendous wind, chaos, then clean up.  Sometimes the next sotrm  comes before clean up is  barely finished.
Grace is hard to find.
 I keep looking, extending a hand, in search for freedom, peace for my children...grace is the enduring hope in the centre of my being, believing that all will be OK.
 Tomorrow the clouds may part and the sun come out.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

green eyed loving cat seeking a home

There are times when the church is called to provide shelter for those without a home.  This adorable kitty has been living in the church window wells and under the gardening shed for 6 weeks.  She needs a home.  She is extemely friendly, domesticated, and just wants someone to love her.  Do you have space in your heart to welcome this creature of God?  If so, please reply to this post or phone 902 2230220.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Grace was in the air, as the trees began to anticipate their movement in the symphony about to unfold. I had a front row seat with a friend on his second story balcony. The low rumbles began in the East, rolling West, followed in quick pursuit by lightening. And then it rained; rained hard.
The air changed. The electric particles zapped the pollen out of the air and washed yellow trails to the Bay of Fundy. The air changed, now charged with grace.
The patter of rain, the thunder in the distance the trees swaying and glistening-the air was relaxed. I was relaxed and at union with all that was, all that is, all that will be. I am at rest although not asleep, content -loved by and loving all of creation.
Grace. Through the storm, purified by water-communion.

May This Church Be like a Tree

  May This Church Be like a Tree – what a beautiful prayer and blessing for the church. This blessing was written in the form of a hymn by...