Friday, November 30, 2012

Finding a way to communicate | The Chronicle Herald

Finding a way to communicate | The Chronicle Herald

What makes this story so full of grace, is that it was a parishoner (John Labelle) who had an idea.  He saw a glimpse of what God's kingdom looks like and is endeavouring to make it happen.  We should all be inspirted to bring God's kingdom into the now.

Friday, November 23, 2012

I Have Done My Time -a poem

If this were true I would not be alive.
I would cease being a mother when my children
                reached a magic age.
I would never have to learn anything once leaving
                        high school.
I would not have to pray because I have already
               done it.
I wouldn`t have to clean the house, do laundry, go 
               grocery shopping, or shower
...been there and done that.
Whatever  makes us think that,
 “I have done my time”?

It is that time of year again,
 when churches are seeking council members and ministry facilitators for the coming year.
I would like just one year not to hear:
...I  have done my time...
I  taught Sunday school when my kids where little,
I’ve done my time...
I have sat on church council, more than once,
I’ve done my time...
I’ve changed light bulbs and fixed this and that,
I’ve done my time...
I’ve made sandwiches and worked in the kitchen,
I’ve done my time... does that mean you have no more opinions?
Does it mean you have nothing to teach anyone?
Does it mean that you have no more faith to share?
Does it mean no more responsibility to the community?
Does it mean there is no more love?

Are you telling me, that because
“you have done your time”,
you are no longer required to be about God’s ministry in the world?
You are alive.
You are a child of God.
You have been given gifts to share.
As long as you are present in this world,
you are responsible to be a part of the community.
The church is not just a building,
not just an institution,
the church is not everyone around you;
you are the church when working in community with like minded people to share the Good News;
to be the Good News
to be hope in a hurting world.
Light in the darkness.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Continuing Moment of Mystery

For the past month and a half, my running route has included running past a the most delightful Japanese maple tree.  It is one of the highlights of this route all year around.  At the time of Canadian Thanksgiving, the tree was its best in maroon coloured leaves, alive, fluttering and breathing.  It looked like it enjoyed the breeze and every breath.
As autumn became full the tree turned slowly, day by day, to a vibrant red.  Each leaf would change from its veins (from the core) to the individuals tips.  Every time one passed the tree, it was different. Glorious.  It shone with grace.
As autumn progressed the leaves lost their brilliance, dripping from the tips and then curling up, turning to dry blood, and then falling scatter the ground in a circle of "it is finished".
Tonight I reflected on how the tree  transformed in glory.  I ran past this evening in the dark.   Only a few spots here and there shone in the light of the streetlight.  One could run past without even knowing.
...except that I did know...I could feel the tree.  Over the autumn season the awareness of each other became relationship.  The tree was always reaching out. I just had to open my eyes and become engaged.
This is grace.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Dancing Flowers

This is a fantastic video.  Imagine the flowers are dancing and telling/showing/sharing the grace of the Creator God.  Take a moment and disappear into the wonder of God's beautiful grace.

May This Church Be like a Tree

  May This Church Be like a Tree – what a beautiful prayer and blessing for the church. This blessing was written in the form of a hymn by...