Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Grace in Pinterest

Grace is found in creating.
Today I only had a few minutes to set aside to do something creative.  A creative activity allows for my spirit to be renewed, think and see in a fresh way, and to engage in something that resets my ability to be optimistic; filled with hope.
 I had 10 mins., which was not enough time to get out paint or crayons.  I decided to try something I had not done as a creative endeavour before, although it has given me a certain degree of happiness.  I went on Pinterest, choose a new topic, and created a board.
Today I was thinking of rain, maybe because it is going to rain for the next three days.  I found and pinned images of rain -ones that were artistic, beautiful, curious, expectant, renewing, different, awe-inspiring.
My 10 mins. felt good, with no mess to clean up.
I encourage you to try it.  Pick a  topic.  Put it in the Pinterest search engine and repin the pins that give you a good feeling.  It is amazing what you will find, who you will connect with, and the "ah" you are left with.
May grace find you in your pinning. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Grace of Wing-backed Chairs

These chairs were a gift from my husband's parents.  They have found a  home in our guest room.
What is so special about wing-backed chairs is that their arms are always open waiting and inviting the viewer to come and take a seat.  They are also great for posture and these ones have seats that are just right, not to hard, not to soft.  This morning they invited me to come, sit, and curl up;  to relax into their embrace.  With a cup of "happy coffee" (fairtrade) in hand, I was able to work for a number of hours collecting data for a chapter of a Doctor of Ministry thesis.  Comfortable, surrounded by grace - what a way to start the morning!!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Can a Vacation Be Called Successful?

It is the end of vacation.
Dare it be said that is was a success?
During regular time, it is rare that upon waking a recount of dreams can be made.
This morning, it was scene after ridiculous scene.
The mind is re-aligned.
A miracle!

Reflection on Church Community and Intimate Partner Violence

Trigger warning: please note that this sermon mentions intimate partner violence and domestic abuse. When starting in a new job, settling ...