Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sermon Fodder

This past week was the Joint Assembly of the  Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.  It was a week of laughter, tears, fellowship, worship, and work.
Many things were learned and shared at this event. Over time some of the week will be shared through sermons at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection.  Be prepared for sermons based on the following:
* A Dozen Years together (Full  Communion) -time to be a baker's dozen
* Quoting Martin Junge, General Secretary of the LWF: "Salvation -not for sale; Humans - not for Sale; Creation - not for sale".  Lutheran reformation is a global citizen!
* Quoting Jamie Scott, from Truth and Reconciliation  Committee: "Reconciliation is the gift we are invited to bring to the altar."
* Thoughts from World Coucil of Churches president, Christopher Dreizing: "We, the body of Christ, are in cardiac crisis.  We need a jolt!"; "Baptism is not about sin management."; "ecumaniac"
*thoughts of a table mate: "Definition of forgiveness - letting go of all hope for a better past."
* Archbishop Fred Hiltz: "bringing about those things for which we pray."
* from Acts 9, consider the word...MEANWHILE
* Quoting World Council of Churches General Secretary, who on arrival at US customs is asked: "why are you going to all the worng places?"
Also sermon themes will include:
-edge habitat
-the 34 yr labour of love to bring the Inuit a Bible in their own language
-ethical resource extraction
-clean water for all

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