Sunday, May 15, 2016

Red Letter Day! ( a sermon for Pentecost)

Dear Resurrection,
Grace and peace to you from Richmond Hill Ontario!
I hope you are all enjoying some spring weather down east.
I imagine the bulbs we planted together for the anniversary have begun to sprout again.  I have thought about the internship I had at Resurrection and it bring s a smile to my face.  As I fumble through my first months as a new pastor, I have relied so much on the grace and encouragement you extended to me.  As Pentecost Sunday was approaching this year, you especially came to mind. This Pentecost I will be confirming two youth members of our congregation here in Richmond Hill.  It moves me to think only a little while back, you sent me out from Halifax to share in God’s mission and now I am laying hands on others sending them out empowered by the Spirit to share in this mission. This is something to celebrate!
            I want to thank-you so much for investing in my life and ministry.  I pray that I may continue in your example of grace.  Resurrection will always hold a special place in my heart.
                                                         Together in Christ, Pastor Mark (or affectionately known among us as Vicar Mark)

This is a red-letter day!  A red-letter day is a day of importance or special significance.
This is an ancient term and practice, dating as far back as a Roman calendar from Before the Common Era, where the special dates were written in red ink. In the Middle Ages, important notes and instructions were marked in red letters – rubrics – if you glance through the liturgy section of our hymn book you will note the rubrics (instructions) are in red.  Special days are coloured red, sometimes denoted in calendars in red-lettering – in church Pentecost and Saint days are celebrated with red paraments --- symbolizing people who acting via the Holy Spirit did amazing acts in being Christ’s light in the world.

This is a red-letter day!  Especially significant for Ben, Jason, and Patricia.
Today the church celebrates the Holy Spirit working among us as a community of faith- including not only this time and place, but, all times and places- past, present, and future; next door, and around the world. Celebrating confirmation on Pentecost reminds us that as a community we are to be about spreading the Good News in a variety of languages --- texts, FB posts, blogs, love in action, Instagram, tweets-- to speak to people of all ages, and teaching discipleship so that people join God’s family; wanting to participate in what God is doing in the world.  Today Ben, Jason, and Patricia public confess their faith, and covenant with God and the community to allow the Spirit to work through them to bring God’s peace and justice into the now.

This is a red-letter day! Red-letter day is explained in the Letter of Paul to the Romans- -- speaking about the mystery of Baptism Paul says that the Holy Spirit claims, gathers, and welcomes us into Christ’s body, the church. We are reminded that we are adopted and called children of God, brothers, sisters with a common heart and mission.
Romans 8 ---as read from The Message (MSG) translation:
12-14 So don’t you see that we don’t owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent. There’s nothing in it for us, nothing at all. The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life. God’s Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go!
15-17 This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what’s coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance! We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with him, then we’re certainly going to go through the good times with him!
Confirmation today, reminds us all of our baptismal promises and confirms who we really are.  There is an adventurous life before us, fueled by wind and flame – the Word and the Spirit. There are things to do and places to go!  Thanks be to God.

May 15, 2003 was the day the June Carter Cash passed away.  It was also the day that an 11 year old boy, in small town Alberta, wrote a condolence letter to Johnny Cash.  In the letter the boy explained that he played guitar and was just finishing a CD full of Johnny Cash songs, that Johnny was his favourite country artist, and that he was really sorry and sad that Johnny had lost his wife. A few months later, the boy, Brett Kissel, had a CD release party in his home town – 550 people were coming to the sold out concert of a 12 year old.  On the day of the concert Brett’s parents greeted him with good news and sad news.  The good news was that the concert was more than sold out, the sad news, Johnny Cash had passed away that very morning.  Brett was crushed – his idol was dead and he would be singing many of his songs.  Later in the day, when the mail arrived, there were letters from family and friends, congratulating and encouraging Brett on his big day. Amongst the letters was a big manila envelope, with his name on it, no return address.  He opened the letter ….. and it was a red-letter day!…. inside was mail from Johnny Cash, a photo of him with a note, “to Brett, Jesus first – Johnny Cash.”
For Brett, this was confirmation that what he was doing as a musician he was meant to do as a vocation; this letter was him receiving a spirit of grace and a spirit of encouragement. And it happened when he was 12 years old. Johnny Cash shared Christ’s light the moment he signed and sent the photo, a seemingly simple act that had abundant dividends. Fast forward twelve years, to today, Brett Kissel is a musician, and holds that that gift, that confirmation of who he was to be, is his most prized possession. 

Pastor Mark’s letter to us is a red-day letter!  It reads like a letter that Paul might have written to one of the communities who embraced the Gospel through him.  Mark shares with us the spirit he gained when in our midst: a spirit of Grace and a spirit of encouragement. This was done by the community investing in him as an individual and in his ministry. The Spirit working among us prepared Mark with a gift, a commission and purpose to be sent out to share in God’s mission. The red-letter now encourages us to continue as an example of grace.
This is a red-letter day!  Would you have guessed that we are celebrated for having “a spirit of Grace” and “a spirit of encouragement”? And to think that our expression of the Spirit of Grace and a spirit of encouragement are now abundantly bearing fruit, as Mark passes grace and encouragement on to a whole new group of people, and returns it to us a 100 fold.  How exciting is the Spirit moving in wind and flame.?

Patricia, Ben, and Jason, you were part of the community when Mark was here. You were part of his journey. You were part of this community’s expression of grace and encouragement. This morning we were all given a gift – and in some ways a special commissioning for the three of you – as your life unfolds be about honouring the promises you make today in two ways:  through grace and through encouragement.  In whatever you do, keep these two words in your heart, your head, your actions.
You are and will be apart of the journey of many others, just as all of us will be --- live your baptism – gifted with a spirit of grace and a spirit of encouragement.

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