Friday, May 28, 2021

the Gospel According to the Letter 'M'

 this retelling is based on the resurrection story from the Gospel of Luke

In the mirky morning mist, Mary, Mary, Mary, and Joanna, meandered to the mortuary mound with emoliant myrrh to massage the mummy with mandated mourning ministrations.  Materializing at the mouth of the monolith, the mini-mob-of-mourners, were mystified as the monolith's mouth's masking mass was moved. 

The Marys, mesmorized, move into the moist moldy masoleum.  The mortal man - the mortal membrane of the Master ---- missing!

Momentarily, magnanimous messengers manifest, magnifying the miracle --- the Messiah is mobile!

The messengers masterfully massage their minds with the Master's message and mission of mercy.  The mob of Marys mulls memories, and are minidful of the Messiah's material manna and mysterious memory of the masterplan: that the Messiah must be maliciously marked, mocked, and murdered by manevolent men-of-the-cloth and municiapl Machievellian magistrates, martyred --- and after a medley of matins be miraculously mended, a masterpiece.

The Marys - amazed- immediately mosey to the mainstay of the Master's male minian and mates.  The Marys meet their melancholy with a magnificient monumental message.  The Master's mulish male minian and mates misunderstood and mistook the message as the Mary menagerie meerly making melodrama.

Meanwhile, motivated Peter, marched to the mortuary mound.  Misgivings melt at the meagre materials misplaced in the masoleum - a muslin mort-cloth.  Musings of the mob of Marys, meritorious.  No myth. A major miracle - the Messiah mobile!  Magnificient!

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