Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Gospel According to the Letter 'T'

 this rendition of the resurrection story is based on the telling found in the Gospel of Luke

The time:t op-of-the-morning.

The traditional team (the women) travelled to the tomb to tend to their task of the tonic treatment of the temporal tenement.  The tomb's triky tableau, to the team's triumph, was turnedabout --- thoroughly thrown open, the team trespassed the transition into the tomb. Terrifyingly thrilling, the truth was that of their Teacher there was no tangible trace.  The team thought, thirsty to touch what had transpired.

Then, ta-da, two travellers turn up together, translucent and twinling.  They talk: why trap the teaming transcendent in the thick of the terrestial?  The Teacher is not in this tomb.  The Truth - the Teacher- is transformed.  

They thought of their teacher's teachings: that the Truth be treacherously turned-in, tagged, trucked to the tainted tribunal and tromented tsar, to be tortured and terminated.  Then in three tomorrows - transform.

Then the tem took in the truth of the Teacher's teachings.

Teary, they turned-about and took off toward the tutored twelve and troop to tell their testimony.

Testifying their tantillizing, terrifying, and terrific tale to the troop, the troop didn't trust them.  Typical! They thought the Teacher's tonic treatment team was telling tall-tales.  Though tenacious Peter tousled and troubled traipsed to the tomb.  Toured the tomb.  Touched the tunic.  

The truth tested --- totally no trace of a tenant.  Thankfully the tale was true!

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