Thursday, December 23, 2021

Pieces of Coloured Glass: The Nativity


Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult, and everything in it. Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord. –Psalm 96: 11-12


I have two snapshots of memory connected to crafting in stained-glass:

In snapshot one:  I am looking through a number of shoeboxes that contain pieces of stained-glass sorted by colour. The boxes I remember have one with browns, some with creamy swirls, and another with various hues and textures of yellow.

I am looking for pieces to use in the craft project of the day.

In snapshot two: I have strips of metal ribbon which I am carefully folding over the edges of the glass pieces I have chosen and cut to shape. The pieces are then ready to solder together.

I have these two snapshots and that’s all.

I do not remember where or when this experience took place, who I was with, or what I was making.

In essence my memory is twofold:  the pleasure of sifting through the beautiful pieces of glass with their rich colours and textures; and the care it took to wrap the sharp edges in metal foil. 


Through Advent congregation members have been introducing the pieces of stained-glass art that make up this Nativity Scene. The community has experienced each piece in the words of a unique perspective and in fresh voices. Tonight, as we gather around the Nativity, I witness a collection of broken fragments and sharp-edged pieces, lovingly chosen, carefully wrapped; then soldered together to create a whole beautiful scene.


This beautiful scene is an adventure in discovery and wonder: it is ever-changing in mood and nuances as the spectrum of night and day -sunshine and cloud and candlelight- passes over it.  Shadows lengthen and there is a shift in perception. As new figures are added the pieces move and tell a different side of the story. The unexpected, whether the palm trees and star, the expression and stance of the donkey, the lack of shepherds or angels, remind us of the Mystery around this night.


This journey with pieces of coloured glass has helped me calm and put into perspective some of my fears, doubts, disappointments, and griefs of 2021. In a year when plans have been shattered, where hope is fragmented, and one finds themself and the world in a place of brokenness--- bearing witness to these pieces of shattered, fragmented, and broken glass, coming together in wholeness and beauty – is a parable to reignite hope, peace, joy, and love. This is the gift of tonight.

The good news born for us this day is that Emmanuel, God-with-us, draws pieces of glass – the broken, the shattered, the fragments – of life, of the world, of people, or ourselves TOGETHER; and in so doing brings wholeness and beauty.  Stained-glass nativity takes broken pieces and births wholeness.



Worker of stained-glass,

You hand chose the broken, shattered, and fragmented to bear witness

to the message of God-with-us.

You wrap our sharp edges and solder us together

to bring wholeness and beauty to a hurting world.

Together may we experience and proclaim hope, peace, joy, and love. Amen.


                                                          -----Kimber McNabb


  1. Oh Kimber this is so perfect for how I feel. Scattered, broken, lost, hurting, hopeful, scared so many emotions all coming together. Thank you for your words of hope, peace, joy and love! Merry Christmas!


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