The Inclusive Bible translation begins today’s Gospel:
in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, tell my brother to give me my share of our
inheritance.” Jesus replied, “Friend, who has set me up as your judge or
Jesus said to the crowd, “Avoid greed in all its forms. Your life isn’t made
more secure by what you own ---even when you have more than you need.”
is Jesus’ schtick. Little does the question asker know that Jesus’ buttons have
been pushed. This is Jesus’ opportunity to continue THE rant. Luke records THE rant in detail. An embodied
rant articulated in parable after parable, healing after healing, confrontation
after confrontation. From the moment of birth, in a stable, surrounded by
shepherds- Jesus has been saying the same thing!
rant -embody kindom - live and bring God’s kindom now; right now!
rant specifies NOW.
states I am not judge or arbiter… who cast me in this roll?
the church, theologians, preachers preaching judgement, that to live is to work
toward one’s meeting their maker with a clean conscience, accumulating treasures
in heaven, for some day when the next life will be better than this one, where
all will be set right.
That is not THE rant Jesus continually and adamantly shares as Gospel.
statement, “I am not your judge,” is the clue that THE rant is about now and not
some far off day or whenever your day of death comes.
on, THE rant embodied comes full circle in the Gospel’s telling of Jesus on the
cross, not judging the criminal beside him, rather extending solidarity, hospitality,
welcome, NOW - even in the messiness of suffering and dying. Right then in that
moment kindom is embodied, lived, and brought.
rant uses parable to draw listeners in and to point out natural human impulses
and their folly. This story explores the human impulse of greed.
rant, however we hear and interpret it, is not about greed. Before the story Jesus clearly says, “Avoid
avoid greed, attune your ears and heart to hear what THE rant is about.
was a good harvest, better than good; there was an over-abundance.
the background I hear the words from Psalm 107:
has satisfied the thirsty and filled the hungry with good things.
only, if more barns to store the excess are not built; only when people embody
kindom -
One body. Global community – is thirst satisfied, the hungry filled NOW;
rant Jesus is reiterating is embodying, living, and bringing kindom. There is abundance,
the kindom embodiment and response is to avoid greed, the opposite of which is
now! Always!
Today states that, “Greed is the disordered desire for more than is decent or
deserved, not for the greater good but for one’s own selfish interest, and at
the detriment of others and society at large.”
is so bad…. How bad is it?... it is so bad it has a psychiatric diagnosis; according
to an article on greed is labeled Wealth Accumulation Disorder.
comes with friends; well more like a gang – bringing stress, exhaustion,
anxiety, depression, despair; behaviours that include gambling, hoarding,
saving things for a rainy day, trickery, theft/fraud; addiction; consumption.
that humans would be cured of Wealth Accumulation Disorder.
that there was a psychiatric diagnosis for generosity; like Distributive Wealth
Quotient or Collective Abundance Spectrum.
Greed – each of us embodies greed. We work in systems constructed on greed,
participate in a culture fueled by greed, and live in a society built on a
history of greed.
day, the Doctrine of discovery, climate catastrophes, war in Ukraine, destruction
of trees in the Public Gardens, et cetera… greed connects them all.
words throughout Luke are a retelling of ‘love God, love your neighbour.’ Avoid
greed, Jesus says. Doing so is keeping the commandments: no killing, no
stealing, no adultery, no coveting- all sins wrapped up in greed.
rant – the Gospel Jesus is preaching – is abundance and generosity; every story
contains these things; every one of them… read the Gospel of Luke from beginning
to end hunting for abundance, generosity; you will be amazed. And every encounter
in the Gospel has God-embodied, kindom, in the person of Jesus – that’s why
Luke’s Gospel contains the Advent-Christmas stories; so that we get it from the
start. God became human and dwells among
us. God’s kindom has come near. Right then; right NOW; always.
rant – embodied kindom – embodied generosity – embodied abundance – pops up
here there and everywhere there is greed; spewing Gospel on power, empire, systems,
history, and disordered desires. THE
rant is not about judgement, it is not a future day, it is not preparing for
death; THE rant is --- living embodied and generous lives in God’s abundance; NOW;
you are the sort that likes a to-do list or a person who likes to make an
action plan; do it – create a list and/or plan based on how to live generously and
seek out abundance. You can make a chart
that reflects how embodied in kindom you feel; record what actions you take. Do
what you need to do to live passionately the Gospel Jesus embodied and
continually preached.
greed. Live embodied and generous lives in God’s abundance.