Thursday, July 21, 2022

Online Summer Camp - AIR - Day 2


Camp week 1 reflected on EARTH- grounded, determined, defined. 

Camp week 2 draws us to reflect on AIR- constantly moving and hard to nail down.

Thank you to the Rev. Lidvald Haugen-Strand for today's photo.


Take a look at the scene held (surrounded) by AIR. 


Take a deep breath. Hold. Breathe out.

Repeat a few times.


READ – John 20: 19-23


Although invisible (unless you are outside on a cold day), breath is powerful! Breath is life. Breath expanding our lungs is how we feel air. Air is invisible yet ever present. Air is seen in wind moving branches of trees or causing ripples on water. Air is life-giving: powerful and comforting, terrifying and liberating.

In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void (chaos) and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. -Gen. 1: 1-2

·         What does this “wind from God” look or sound like?

·         Have you felt or experienced God in the wind or AIR?


From the beginning AIR -wind, spirit, breath- created(s) and sustained(s) life. In Hebrew scripture ruach can be translated as all or any of these words (wind, spirit, breath, air). There is a lovely relationship woven with God’s breath being God’s spirit blown into matter to bring matter to life. 

·           If humans considered wind, breath, air, spirit to be God’s breath would the world relate differently to each other and creation?


Long after the wind from God moved over the waters,

Jesus said to them [the disciples] again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.  When Jesus had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.”  -John 20: 21-22


Peace be with you.

Jesus breathes on the disciples. Receive the Spirit.

·          Think of an experience where you have felt the power of AIR.

·          Have you experienced AIR as comforting, terrifying, or liberating?

·            Have you ever thought about breath, as breathing God/Spirit? What do you think/feel about this thought?

·          When you breath out do you fill the air with peace, offering God’s peace be with you to the world?


Breath of Life,

Fill us with fresh air. Blow out the dust and cobwebs in our minds and hearts that hinder us from breathing peace in the world. As your wind moves over us, push us to be refreshing breezes of hope and life in our neighbourhoods.

In your holy name, Amen.

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