Monday, January 16, 2023

POINTED TEXTS - Devo#2 - 1 Kings 12: 24

“Thus says the Lord, You shall not go up or fight against your kindred the people of Israel. Let everyone go home, for this thing is from me.” So they heeded the word of the Lord and went home again, according to the word of the Lord.     ----Carolyn's pick

These words are spoken by a prophet, probably one whom you have not heard of, Shemaiah (the man of God). Shemaiah pointed these words at a King to deflate a tense situation and stop a civil war from starting. And the prophet’s pointed message of God’s word did just that!


After a long reign King Solomon dies. His son, Rehoboam, travels from Jerusalem to the Northern territory – a Tribal Confederacy of 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel.  He goes to be recognized and installed as the 'king of Israel.' The tribal confederacy was to participate in a ceremony to hail Rehoboam as king. When Rehoboam arrived the tribal confederacy had conditions before naming him as their king. Years before, Solomon had indentured many northern people into labour gangs; now they were asking for an end to such practice. Rehoboam refused (against the counsel of his aides) and openly defended labour gangs, implying the practice would continue in just as harsh a manner. The Tribal Confederacy did not hail Rehoboam as king.


Have you ever been part of a family argument that got out of hand?

Have you been part of a family disagreement that has permanently pulled the family a part?

Labour gangs were a form of slavery. Consider how families operate. Are there actions or dynamics in your family that hold other family members hostage (bound or enslaved)?


The Twelve Tribes of Israel -named after Jacob’s sons- came into a land and settled by family tribe. Each tribe was connected but had independence from the others. By the time of Solomon much had happened between the tribes. Rehoboam’s choice of how he would be king was the last event in a long line of choices made by previous kings, that drove an unfixable rift between the family tribes. The 10 northern tribes decided to choose their own king, becoming the “Kingdom of Israel.” The southern tribes centered around Jerusalem, had Rehoboam as king, and were known as the “Kingdom of Judah.”


God, via the prophet’s words, ordered Rehoboam to go home. What was the benefit of this?

Have you walked away from a family quarrel?

Is healing possible from deep rifts?

Does God have a hand in how you approach family arguments?


1 Kings is a pointed text – at the time pointed at Rehoboam- now, it can be interpreted pointedly with personal questions. It too is a text that could be used to think about civil and tribal wars found throughout our world today.


On Tuesdays I will post a devotion on a pointed text from scripture. I will include commentary and questions for reflection. Answers and other questions and comments can be sent to me at ,put in the comment section of this blog, or on FB where the link to this devotion was shared. Fridays I will share the messages (conversation) received via the email list.



1 comment:

  1. What is it the people did? I think it is important. They listened to and obeyed the word of God even though it was opposite to what the world was telling them to do. That to me is the message for today. Listen to --and --obey God's word.


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