Monday, February 6, 2023

Pointed Text: Devotion 5


2 Chronicles 24: 20


Then the spirit of God took possession of Zechariah son of the priest Jehoiada; he stood above the people and said to them, ‘Thus says God: Why do you transgress the commandments of the Lord, so that you cannot prosper? Because you have forsaken the Lord, he has also forsaken you.’

----Marion's pick


Chapter 24 chronicles the reign of King Joash (836-798 BCE). Joash was a good king. He focused on doing what was right in the sight of the Lord and took on the restoration of the Temple. Everything changed when the priest Jehoiada died.


·         Has your life, or that of someone you know, completely changed because of a death?

·         Have you witnessed people ‘becoming like someone else?’ What event caused the change?


After the death of Jehoiada, King Joash takes council from his officers who are not so concerned with doing what is right in the sight of the Lord.

Today’s pointed text has the prophet Zechariah (the son of priest Jehoiada) confront King Joash with a message from God.  The prophet warned that because Joash had failed to live the commandments, the covenant with God, that God had forsaken him.


·         Did God forsake Joash? Or is the idea ‘God has also forsaken you’ more about Joash? In a sense Joash would be forsaken because Joash closed his heart and refused to acknowledge God. Is God still there? Waiting for Joash to say, ‘God…?’

·         Have you ever turned away from God? Have you ever felt forsaken by God?


This pointed text remembers and tells of the work of a prophet. Unfortunately in the next verse, Zechariah is assassinated (by stoning). The officials, not liking Zechariah’s prophetic words, conspired against him and King Joash gave the order to have him killed.


·         Who are prophets in our time that have been persecuted or assassinated for speaking truth to power?

·         Have you been a prophet? Can you see yourself being a prophet?

·         Have you stood with a prophet? Or responded with action to the words of a prophet?


King Joash ends his reign with a disastrous foreign invasion and dies by a successful conspiracy to assassinate him.


·         What does it mean to live the commandments?

·         Do you know when you have gone astray from faithful living?

·         How do you stay in relationship with God?





At the beginning of the week, I will post a devotion on a pointed text from scripture. I will include commentary and questions for reflection. Answers and other questions and comments can be sent to me at ,put in the comment section of this blog, or on FB where the link to this devotion was shared. Fridays I will share the messages (conversation) received via the church email list.


  1. Here we are brought face to face with the task of a prophet. His duty is to deliver Gold's message regardless of consequences. The message totally Gold's with nothing added or taken away. It is not the prophet's duty or right to coerce or bully people into compliance. He is just to deliver the unadulterated message leaving it like that. God uses ordinary people as His prophets. He provides the words and the prophet lets them out to be heard. His task is completed.

  2. Some of the pointed texts have been unsettling for some and not necessarily worth reading. I wonder if violence expressed in the Bible is any different from expressions of violence people interact with today - in movies, video games, on TV. What is it with humans and their relationship to violence? One benefit of reading short pieces of text in a devotional/Bible study setting is the added component of reflection and conversation. The texts aren't written to make us feel good, but to wrestle with the human relationship to violence or other items we find distasteful.


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