Monday, May 10, 2010


Tonight I went to a lecture by His Excellency Archbishop Elias Chacour; Archbishop of Akka, Haifa, Nazareth, and all of Galilee of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church.  His talk was one of a series of three on, "Theological Reflections on Peacekeeping".
His lecture was a series of stories, narrating life from the perspective of a Palestinian Arab Christian, and a citizen of Israel.
He covets prayers and solidarity from us for Palestian people, a people treated as second class citizens in a country where  62 years ago they were treated as full citizens -with lands that had been theirs for centuries.
Grace was in the words that he used, words that he tells the 4000+ children (Jewsish, Muslem, and Christian) who come to the school he started.  Paraphrasing his words, "where you born Jewish, Muslem, Christian?  No, you were born a baby!  As a baby you were born, born in the image of God, just the same as every body else."
When the world realizes this -that will be grace.

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