Tuesday, November 30, 2010

3:25 am

Those of you who know me know that I am not a morning person.
Those of you who know me know that I do not give out money to transients.
Those of you who know me  know that I do not have a medal in patience.

 Last night I was told a story.
 It was a continuation of a story I heard earlier in June; one a remember -kind of; from a person I remember -kind of.  It is a story that this morning has me reflecting on Joseph and Mary knocking on the inn keepers door in Bethlehem.

 I wonder what time of night they knocked. How gracious was the inn keeper?  How awake was the inn keeper?  At 7pm there is grace and patience.  At 1: 25 am there is a little less.  At 3:55am there really isn't much grace and patience went to dreamland hours ago.
 This was my night, or should I say early morning.  Yes I did help, yes with cash, yes with every ounce of patience I could muster (that means grace shown on the outside with the inside lagging far behind).

The experience did put me to sleep twice saying the Jesus prayer; "Jesus, have mercy", for all those who have no where to lay their heads, for those who have a place but choose not to stay there, for those who have a place but is complicated...Lord Jesus, have mercy.

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