Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Summer

The heat of summer is grace.
 As the thermometre rises, a persons ability to be busy lessens. The world today, especially North American society, is one that drives towards constant productivity and consumption.  Isn't that true: do you feel guilty when not "doing" something or taking an extended break while at work?

As the thermometre rises and my body slows down, I am reminded to slow down and bide time -for there are times coming that will be an all-out-run: the weeks before Christmas, a season of sickness or funerals.  The heat reminds me to take time and enjoy sitting on a park bench, to relax on a front porch with a book, or to socialize on a patio with friends.  This is the season for rejuvenating the stores of pleasure, that so often are pushed aside because we are busy. 

Although the heat can make one sick, the heat is a reminder to relax, enjoy life, and be healed through the power allowing oneself time to breath and reconnect.

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