Tuesday, July 24, 2012

on the Veranda

A week ago, Resurrection Council met on the veranda of the parsonage.  Not only was the church in view, so was the neighbourhood, and the people who make up the community.  People walked by, giving a nod, a wave, a smile.  What a way to go about doing church business?  The perspective and conversation had a slightly different air as we were outside confronted by the very streets we are asked to be a part of.

The Council was brave.  Business was done as usual with a devotion at the beginning and standing, holding each others' hands, to say the Lord's Prayer in the end.  Not every church council would do this.  These faithful people acted out of who they are, without a second thought.  Grace. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Grace in Little Actions

* A note to those at the ES Assembly, "the Runner's Psalm", from opening worship is on this blog, May 4, 2012.

It has been a while since I used the bathroom across the hall from the church office.  I was reminded today, when I was in there, that there are little actions that can be a big grace for others.  In the bathroom, on the back of the door, we have a small poster that says: "In the cycle of abuse, call........(shelter #)....You are not alone."  This seems like a small action, and one wonders how often the poster has been of value.  A group in Halifax, a number of years ago, encouraged women to post posters in bathrooms with this information.  If you are a woman in abuse, the bathroom is a place where an abuser will not see  you memorize a number or write it down for future reference.  A small piece of grace offered so simply; can be a big grace to the woman who uses the number.

In your life, what is a little action that you can do that has the potential to be a big grace for someone else?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Past and Present

Many years ago, I was given a daily prayer calander, where each day one flips over the ring to the next prayer. The person who gave me this calendar is one whom I consider an example of what all people should be like: compassionate, listening, exciteable, motivated, deep faith and spirituality, flexible and loves tradition.  The calendar was given to me when I was on internship at Zion Lutheran in Sault Ste. Marie; it reminds me of the people who grew me to be who I am.
Todays prayer is lovely -on a day that is sunny and hot, with a brief afternoon shower:
"Thank-you for this day.
Make me aware, Lord, that today never returns.
may the sweet fragrance of Your loving kindness
follow me throughout the day.

May This Church Be like a Tree

  May This Church Be like a Tree – what a beautiful prayer and blessing for the church. This blessing was written in the form of a hymn by...