Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Valley of Tears ---- PALM SUNDAY PASSION reading

After each reading water is poured by the reader into a large glass bowl in the centre of the congregation.

Tears of Betrayal. 
Disciple, Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests and asked what they would give him to betray Jesus. He was given thirty pieces of silver.
Pour water

Tears of Distress.
As the disciples sat down with Jesus to eat the Passover, Jesus told them that one of them would betray him.  They all asked, “Is it I?” They were distressed.
            Pour water

Tears of Confusion.
Jesus reinterprets the Passover meal as his body and blood. 
Jesus tells the disciples they will all dessert him.
Jesus speaks of God’s kingdom.
            Pour water

Tears of Fatigue.
The disciples and Jesus go to Gethsemane.  The disciples are asked to watch and pray.
Jesus, deeply grieved, steps aside to pray.  Three times he returns to the disciples to find them asleep.
            Pour water

Tears of Fear.
The betrayer came to the garden with a group of armed people.  He kissed Jesus.
One of the disciples cut off the ear of one of the armed men.  Jesus disappointedly addressed the crowd and was taken away.  The disciples fled.
            Pour water

There should have been tears.
Jesus was arrested and taken to be judged. Caiphas, fake witnesses, and accusations of blasphemy judge and blame Jesus.
            Pour water

Tears of Denial.
In the courtyard, Peter denies knowing Jesus three times. After hearing the rooster crow, Peter went out and wept bitterly.
            Pour water

Tears of Repentance.
Judas Iscariot, seeing that Jesus was condemned to death, repented and tried to return the thirty pieces of silver.  He was so distraught, he threw the silver at the chief priest’s feet and went and hung himself.
            Pour water

Tears of Power.
Pilate asks Jesus if he considered himself the King of the Jews. He tried to persuade Jesus to speak, to save himself; he tried to set Jesus free by will of the crowd.  It failed.  Pilate washed his hands, “I’m innocent of this man’s blood.”
            Pour water

Tears of Abuse.
Jesus is flogged, stripped, robed, laughed at, and spat on.  He was led away to be crucified.
            Pour water

Tears of Abandonment.
Darkness came over the land at noon.  About three o’clock Jesus cried, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  Jesus cried again with a loud voice, and died.
            Pour water

Tears of Sorrow.
The centurion knew that the death was a mistake. 
Many women, those who had followed from Galilee, those who had provided for him; May Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the Mother of the sons of Zebedee, looked on from a distance.
            Pour water

Tears of Respect.
Joseph of Arimathea came to Pilate and asked for the body.  He prepared for burial and laid the body in his own tomb. A great stone was rolled in front of the tomb. And he went away.
            Pour water

Tears of Longing.
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were there, sitting opposite the tomb.
            Pour water

HYMN 699 (Ev.Luth.Wor.) In the Deepest Night       

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