Thursday, January 6, 2022

Pieces of Coloured Glass - The Journey Begins



And Magi knelt down and paid him homage.

Then, opening their chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road. 

 – Matt. 3: 11b-12



First, I would like to thank all the writers of this devotion series.  All of you have truly blessed us with your perspectives and the sharing of yourselves. You have given us a great gift! 

With this great gift in our hearts,

our attention turns to journeying forward.



The journey of Advent-Christmas-Epiphany is an epic journey through which hope, peace, joy, and love grow. At Epiphany we reach the Christ-child with the Wise Men, and soon enough the Twelfth Night is done, Christmas is packed up for another year, and the New Year sweeps us forward.  


As I stand on the church steps, where the attached photo is from, I am holding the feeling of the journey we have just experienced together: Pieces of Coloured Glass. I hold in my heart gratitude and beauty. As I look out at the nieghbourhood, I feel compelled to journey door to door and share the Good News. The devotions shared and the final parting of the Wise Men by another road, has me considering the idea of by another road. I know the neighbours well enough that arriving on their doorstep shaking a Bible or preaching would not spread hope, peace, joy, love, gratitude, or beauty! 


I am inviting us to look at the neighbourhood, to begin the journey taking God-with-us from the manager to the street. I am inviting us to share hope, peace, joy, love, gratitude, and beauty AND by another road invite the neighbourhood to participate in what God is doing in the world.



BY ANOTHER ROAD – Sharing the Gospel in our neighbourhood project:


Through to the end of January, the church is collecting $25 grocery gift cards (Superstore, Sobeys, Walmart). Gift cards can be dropped off at the parsonage. Donations to this project can also be given to the church electronically (marked for Pastor’s Discretionary fund).

As gift cards come in, they will be distributed to our neighbours with a card:


Dear Neighbour,


This gift is for you!

We pray that it fills you with hope and love. This is the message we proclaim.


The past two years have been difficult and life altering. This gift is a token of love.

You are not alone. You are seen. You are beloved neighbours.


1.       With JOY use this gift card yourself. OR

2.       Give it to someone you know who could use some help/hope/love. OR

3.       Purchase items to give to an organization you support in the community.


Thank you for participating in what God is doing in the world.

You are in our prayers. Peace be with you.



 your neighbourhood Lutheran Church



If you are reading this and would like to use this idea in your community, by all means, please do! May all the world participate in what God is doing.   #forthehealingoftheworld




Thank you for being at work in the neighbourhood and in the world. Thank you for the gifts of hope, peace, joy, love, gratitude, and beauty. Thank you for filling our hearts with these gifts. As we journey from the celebration of Christmas-Epiphany, take us into our neighbourhoods willing and able to share the good news and inviting others into participating in your love. 



  1. Pastor - what a great initiative. God Bless

    I also commend you on the participatory idea for the stained-glass messages, and appreciate the inputs of each and every contributor


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