Tuesday, March 8, 2022

A Carton of Eggs - Coloured Eggs



Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me,

you will know my Father also.

From now on you do know him

and have seen him.”

 –John 14: 6-7 NRSV


The container is open! I look at the beautiful eggs nestled in their spaces and my curiosity arises very quickly. The image is on my computer so I click on a few of the eggs to see if they will open! Not today, but the promise remains. There is more to come.

For now, I sit in the moment and contemplate the image on my screen: the beautiful colours draw me in and I’m reminded of childhood treats in my Easter-basket. The bright orange was my favorite, the hard candy outside was such a contrast to the white fluffy confection inside. I ponder what sweetness/bitterness I will encounter on this Lent to Easter journey? I anticipate discoveries and teachings that await us as our hearts open to receive the unfolding, shell breaking, loving promise of Jesus.

But for now – in this time, I sit in the moment, breathe deeply, and feast on the colourful image of promises yet to be revealed.


Gracious and loving God, your faithfulness hovers over all creation and your promises are sure. Soften and pry open the shell that shields my heart so I may be filled with faith and longing for the completion of your loving and gracious promise that there is more to come. Amen.

                             ---- Pastor Pam McNeil

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