may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird:
would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg.
are like eggs at present.
you cannot go on indefinitely being
just an ordinary, decent egg.
We must be hatched or go bad. ----C. S. Lewis
In dream theory, seeing eggs,
points to potential possibilities ahead of you. Eggs symbolize hatching, new
life, and abundance. Over the Season of
Lent, you are invited to consider yourself an egg: currently safe in the
carton, waiting, and full of potential.
Twice a week eggs from the carton will be removed and opened. Inside each is an item related to the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross and tomb. As you reflect on the items through devotion and prayer, consider what it means to follow Jesus to the cross, and once dying to self, what potential possibilities arise as one rises with Christ.
C. S. Lewis reminds people
that they can not remain an egg forever, an egg either hatches, (gets eaten),
or goes bad. The dismissal, that is part of the Ash Wednesday service, describes how to hatch (be God’s
potential); this Lent serve God with gladness; be of good courage; hold fast
to that which is good; render no one evil for evil; strengthen the fainthearted;
support the weak; help the afflicted; honour all people; love and serve God;
rejoice in the power of the Holy Spirit (meaning- use your gifts). -ELW pg 25
And all God’s people – hatching
eggs- proclaim. Thanks be to God.
I am a carton, a vessel.
this Season of Lent, let me open myself
let my contents be cracked, poured out, and
so that arriving on the threshold of the open tomb,
there is only room to receive the
fullness of your grace. Amen.
Needed to read this today. Thank you.