Thursday, April 21, 2022

A Carton of Eggs - Empty Carton


Christ is risen!

Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!


Some women of our group astounded us.

They were at the tomb early this morning,

and when they did not find his body there,

they came back and told us

 that they had indeed seen

a vision of angels who said that he was alive.

--- Luke 24: 22-24



It is evening of that first Easter day.  Two followers of Jesus are traveling on the road to Emmaus when they encounter a stranger.  The stranger asks what they are talking about.  The followers can’t believe that the stranger had not heard the news of the past three days from Jerusalem. The followers tell the stranger about Jesus of Nazareth – his life, his death, and his resurrection.


Earlier in the day, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and other women with them, told the disciples that they had found the tomb empty, that Jesus’ body was not there, and that they had seen angels. The women were the first to proclaim: Christ is risen!


The carton of eggs is empty.  All the eggs have been cracked open and their contents digested in devotional form. We have been fed through Lent by the story of a God who chose to die to show us the depth of love God has for creation, including us. This unconditional love, mercy, and grace is food for the weary, hope for the hopeless, and endless joy. We have been fed, so that we have the strength and courage to go into the world and tell the story of Jesus; to proclaim, Christ is risen!

The women did. The followers did. And now it is our turn.


Prayer –

God of death and resurrection, fed by your love, mercy, and grace – strengthen us and give us courage to tell the story of Jesus and to proclaim that ‘Christ is risen.’ Amen.


                                                                                    ---- Kimber McNabb

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