Sunday, April 17, 2022

A Carton of Eggs - Empty


Luka and Amana were the young adults confirmed in the fall (2021). 

Their reflections included asking their siblings

what Easter means.



Easter to me means the day Jesus died for us even though we were sinners and did not deserve it.  It means he chose to die carrying our sinners forgiving us for having done them.  All he asks is that we live the lives we would have wanted us to live and in return he would allow us into his kingdom.  It also means that Jesus has risen from the dead and is waiting for t right time to come get us.  He gave up his life so that we wouldn’t have to burn in purgatory and live eternally paying for our transgressions, so that we can live with him forever painlessly happily righteously, and holily. That’s what Easter means to me.

                                                                 ----Luka Techlemariam


Easter to me is a day to remember and be grateful for the sacrifice Jesus made for us even when we didn’t deserve it.  It’s also a time when we should be grateful to God for saving us and giving us a chance to go to heaven as long as we believe in Jesus and put all our faith and trust in him.                                     

                                                               -----Christina Techlemariam



Easter to me is when Jesus lets us try again in life and right the wrong we have done.

                                                                    -----Nankana Jeremia


 I know that Easter is coming and I love Easter because it's the day that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.                                                 -----Annita Jeremia 


To some Easter is all about the Easter bunny and chocolate eggs. To others, it might just be another holiday marked on a calendar. But to me, Easer is the most important holiday not because of the chocolate (No matter how much I love chocolate;) but because it marks a fresh start, a forgiven past, and the death of Jesus (Christ our savior) but also the resurrection of Jesus that saved us from our sins, which gave us a second chance to receive eternal life and closed the gap that was between us and God.               
                                                                                                    -----Amana Jeremia



GOD, thank you for loving us so much! Help us to love you and share your love with others!  AMEN

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