Thursday, December 15, 2022

Caroling through Advent - Devotion 7


I can't really choose one carol over another but right now I lean toward two because I feel I have experienced them both. You see on Christmas Eve I walked to and from the midnight service. Often the night was silent with soft fluffy flakes of snow drifting down in the brisk fresh air. There was also a brightness to the sky. It was like being enveloped in holiness and awe, Silent Night. Along with that I heard the angels’ message as though the glory of God was right here come down to earth. What a message: Glory__ to the new born king, Peace____ on earth, Mercy____ mild, God and sinners___ reconciled. This is the message of “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.” Then it is home to sleep in heavenly peace.  ---Mary

 Merv, Colleen, and Glen, join Mary in this being a favourite carol.


Charles Wesley had a gift; he was a hymn writer. He was said to have written no less than 6500 hymns, one of these being, “Hark the Herald Angel Sing.” This was his form for communicating that which mattered. His hymns were: expression of blessings for occasions (weddings, baptisms, etc), conveyance of Bible stories, teaching doctrine, theological treatises, addresses to world affairs, and designed for liturgical festival.

This carol draws one’s emotion to rise and join a joyful heavenly chorus. Joyful all ye nations rise, join the triumph of the skies. Wesley, always the evangelist, ensures that carolers express where joy comes from, Light and life to all he brings, risen with healing in his wings. And he writes of the point of Christmas and the message of salvation - Born that we no more may die, born to raise us from the earth, born to give us second birth.


*Do you think about Christmas as the preparation event for Good Friday and Easter?

*What is the point or purpose of Christmas?

*Have you experienced God’s light, life, or healing?


This carol has been one that causes me to make many bulletin mistakes. How often have I had to look up how to spell herald?  In 1983, Charles Schulz’s comic strip, Peanuts, welcomed a new character, Harold. He was named after the Christmas carol, “Hark the Herald Angel Sing.” Charlie Brown’s sister, Sally, had one word in the Christmas play, “Hark.” Sally was convinced that after her line, Harold Angel would sing. The others tried to tell her that she was confused and that there was no such person. Sally messed up her line, saying “Hockey stick.” Later her friends are proven wrong when a boy named Harold Angel comes to her house to comfort her from her embarrassment.


*Have you ever been visited by an angel?

*What people have brought healing to you after you have made a mistake, messed up, or been embarrassed?

*What words or actions of healing do you have to offer to others?



Give us the courage to open our eyes and hearts to your gifts of light, life, and healing. May we parcel these same gifts to give to our neighbours and creation. Together with neighbours and angels; with brother sun, sister moon, and sibling stars; we raise our joyful strains of expansive gratitude, beyond this world, and beyond the next. Amen.


Link to “Hark the Herald Angel Sing”-




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