Saturday, December 24, 2022

Caroling through Advent - Devo. 11


Of several favorites in Christmas songs "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" is topmost this year for me. I liked this earlier for its old English rhythm; now it has a personal connection. I played it on my violin; via phone in hearing it was an English man in the hospital a few years ago. He remembered the first verse when he heard the music. ---- Sandra H.


This carol, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, is also known as Tidings of Comfort and Joy. The alternative title comes from the phrase being repeated in triplicate at the end of each verse. There is no doubt left by the author, that the message of Jesus’ birth and God’s action in the midst of humanity, is to illicit feelings of comfort and joy.


*What words and actions (given or received) give you comfort and joy?

*How does the use of an older word like ‘tidings’ make you feel?



For me, Christmas music has always been a staple of the season, so reducing a list of carols to a single favourite is difficult 🙂 But the first that came to mind when reading your message (and one that certainly makes a top-favourites list) is "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen".

It is a favourite for a few reasons... first, it's just an enjoyable listen, with its perky tune and joyful lyrics. It was also one of many Christmas Carols that I grew up hearing at home and in church around the holidays, so to me, it has festive and sentimental connotations. And I am sure it also has something to do with the frequency at which it's played over the holidays: often enough to be nostalgic, but not so frequently that it's tiresome by early December. 

But I also like that the lyrics are essentially the Gospel message, packaged as a happy Christmas song. When the new 'Grinch' cartoon remake was released in 2018, it become a fast family favourite in my household (even though the original Grinch film [1966] is a tough act to follow). There is a scene in the new film where the Grinch is chased by a group of enthusiastic carolers all singing "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen". It was amusing to me that amidst the colourful Dr. Seuss absurdities, in a movie that had nothing to do with Christ, was a striking recount of the Gospel message! And this is the wonderful thing about many of these old carols and Christmas hymns: they are like bite-sized sermons🙂   And, of course, they are not just heard in church services over the holidays - they are enjoyed in many settings by people of diverse experiences, backgrounds, and beliefs! ---- Rachel


God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen was an early carol from the oral tradition of the 1650s. It is a to-the-point carol of Christmas and the meaning of Christmas. It is a carol to take to heart and carry with us past Christmas Day. The season of Christmas continues until Epiphany (January 6). Until then, let us insert this carol and tidings of comfort and joy, into the world around us.

*Where can you take and share ‘tidings of comfort and joy?’

*With whom can you share the link, so that they hear the tidings of the season?


Emmanuel, God-with-us,

May I always remember that Christ the Saviour was born on Christmas Day, to save us all from Satan’s power when we were gone astray. Make my song of praise be one of comfort and joy, Oh tidings of comfort and joy. Amen.


A link for a version by the Laestadian Lutheran church (Swedish state church)


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