Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Genesis 32

...Jacob sent messengers before him...
Sending messengers is always a good idea, perhaps that would be a better way of confronting teenagers.
Grace today was a beautiful large crow, every feather perfectly in place, perched in the old tree outside the bathroom window.  In his beak he had a great morsel.
The picture perch was but a fleeting moment...but a moment worth holding onto on a day like today.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Genesis 31

The Lord watch between you and me, when we are absent one from the other.
Well I wonder if grace comes in stress, or the willingness to get out of bed way early to get a child to finish a project due?  I wonder if grace comes in a day timer that has little space to add a time to stop to get a drink of water? 
Surprisingly amidst the chaos of the timetable and schedule of the next few weeks...I am at focused.  Peaceful at the centre.  At one with space, time, those I'm in relationship with.  I have no explaination for this.  This is unusual for me at this time of year.  The only word I have to explain this is Grace.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Genesis 30 she called his name Joseph....
It is one of those things; Rachel did not know that Joseph would grow up to save large groups of people from famine.  Perhaps this is grace -not knowing what your children will grow up to be, for if you knew you might treat them, or guide them differently. 
Perhaps there is grace in musing about what I want to be when I grow up...this brings a smile to my face because I plan not to grow up.   :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Earth Hour

Yesterday we celebrated earth hour in our neighbour's greenhouse.  The computer was not turned on before because we were heading over, and afterward there was no desire.  What an hour.  All grace: conversation with neighbours, meeting new people, a couple of drinks, candlelight, reason to hurry.
At one point a phone rang -not mine- and the return text said, "What are you doing? It's earth hour.  NO phones."
...Let us live beneath our means, for the healing of the world!...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Genesis 29

...Because you are my kinsman, should you therefore serve me for nothing?  Tell me, what shall your wages be?...
Grace comes through the hands of a 97 year old woman.  When I visit her she, in her own way, presides and gives me communion.  The bread is crackers or tea biscuits and the wine is wine or liquer. The liturgy lasts as long as the conversation does and it always ends with a hug...a big intimate hug! Peace be with you!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Genesis 28

...Surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it...
It is tea and cookie time of year, as I go from house to house visiting those who are unable to come to church, taking them Eucharist.
I am not one who particularly likes cookies or baking, however, these sweets are kept in precious containers -often in the freezer-until visitors come.  They are made with love and come with a thank-you.  Over the years, I have come to understand the cookies as the persons way of offering communion back; an intimate relationship.  You see, the "real" stories -those deeper than the weather, gossip, and the news- are only shared after the tea is poured and eating together has occured.  To grace and be graced happens in this moment.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Genesis 27

...When Isaac was old and his eyes were dim so that he could not see...
Today's grace came in the form of a sound that I do not like because it is high pitched and hurts my ears.  The sound is that of audio-crosswalk systems.  The sound is different from intersection to intersection, and differs at an intersection depending on your direction of travel.  If you hold the bottom long enough, so I have come to learn, a voice actually tells you which way you will be travelling.
The audio-crosswalk system is a lifesaver and a unique tool for those who are blind.  It is a welcome sound amongst the chaos of unseen traffic noise.
It means more freedom, calm amidst a storm, and a logistical aid.....this is grace!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Genesis 26 there was a famine in that land...
Of all the things to do, I managed to get my right thumb caught in the door on the boards at the local ice rink.  Yesterday there was no post as I could hardly move my hand and when I did the pain was unbelievable.  But between yesterday and today I managed to find grace despite the blue throbbing thumb.
...the other skaters who picked up a gentleman who fell, and gave him encouragement to keep on trying...
...the spring song of the chickadees...
...the woman with alzheimers who was at a senior's event at the church and remembered her house key!...
...a young man returning alive from Afghanistan...
...a successful cancer surgery...
...being able to button a shirt with my left thumb and being able to type...
graces for which to give thanks!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Genesis 25

...Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field, while Jacob was a quiet man, living in tents. ...
It is a day to be both Esau and Jacob.  I have done quiet contemplation -written thoughts down for tomorrows dialogue sermon.  It is now time to go for a run, which I like to think of as "my skillful hunter" side.  The grace is that I can do both.  Grace is sunshine and a temperature of 17 degrees March!   It is bright enough to warm the soul, melt the heart, and cause a prayer of uncontainable joyous thanksgiving. 

Friday, March 19, 2010

Genesis 24

...and gave him straw and fodder for the camels, and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him.
Today I led a house blessing service.  Grace flitted from room to room with three small children, as they showed me all the places I asked them to show me.  We said a prayer in each spot and the children chimed, "Amen"...well except for the little one whose word sounded more like, "Ammmm".  They were so excited!  The parents carried a candle to represent Christ's light, while the children shared a flashlight.  Each giggle was pure grace.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Genesis 23

...Sarah lived one hundred twenty-seven years; this was the length of Sarah's life.
There are many points in a persons life when one can celebrate. 
Today I was confronted with grace when meeting with Lutheran clergy colleagues.  Although I am feeling tired and am at moments overwhelmed with a sense of having so much to do, my colleagues were more excited then I have ever experienced them to be.  They were excited with studying the first chapter of Ephesians. They were excited with the prospects of having a big learning retreat brought to our area.
Their excitement was contagious, my spirits were lifted, and grace abounds for tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Genesis 22

...the Lord will provide; as it is said to this day...
Last night I was with a group of people and I asked them to share a moment of grace they had experienced throughout the day. The stories told were beautiful!
I realize that often in our lives moments of grace are not recognized as such.  We haven't used "grace" language to describe even the smallest glimpse of hope, or love, peace, friendship, justice, etc.  I encourage those who read this post to think back on the day so far, and what moment has been a beautiful one...a gracefilled one.
Please feel free to share your moment by clicking comment and adding your story.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Genesis 21

...God was with the boy, and he grew up; he lived in the wilderness, and became an expert wih the bow.
Not only is it March Break, today was science project day.  My son did a project to use his pyrotechnic skills.  The experiment was done weeks ago, as it is always fun to light things on fire and watch them burn.  Today was the written poster board presentation.
Some parents have difficulties with the thought of their children growing up so fast, some think the day will not come soon enough.
Today as I looked on the final project...there was a moment of grace; when I saw all the past hard work come together.  What a great job!
Although some of my parenting has not been graceful along the way...grace still thrives in the end.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Genesis 20

"I did this in the integrity of my heart and the innocence of my hands."
Yesterday I used the word "gracing".  A colleague suggested as an idea that grace be used as a verb rather than as a noun. 
Today I am going to use the word again.  Gracing was not part of my vocabulary today; I was annoyed by lots of little things and was quite aloof with one particular family member. Tim, my husband, on the other hand, graced his way through the day.  He brought home from grocery shopping not only potted shamrocks but, a big bouquet of flowers for me. 
The flowers have soften my heart, which was not hard at Tim, but one of the children.  Now when frustration rises, I breath in the grace surrounding the fresh blooms, and then try to speak words that are kinder.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Genesis 19

...and Abraham looked down...toward all the land of the Plain and saw smoke of the land going up like the smoke of a furnace.
Have you ever been in one of those conversations where everything that is said is critical, despressing, and focused on the "troubles" or "evils" of this generation? Over the past couple of days I have been in a couple of these discussions -not brought on by myself.
Amidst a head full of these kind of conversations, today I was graced with two beautiful conversations from people who have recently moved into manors.  Enough could not be said about the care given by nurses and the friendliness of staff.  The people visited looked happy, younger, and more mobile. They are now gracing their way through the end of life.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Genesis 18

...let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree...
The weather has been beautiful and that has meant a couple of days of going for long walks.  In Halifax, my husband and I, discovered a new green corridor with a public trail.  It is absolutely lovely!  In the past, I would run in this area on a tiny goat path, at times on the road because the path was terrible.  The grace of this trail is that it is multi-purpose; wide enough for bikers, joggers, walkers, strollers, groups of people to walk side by side, and designed for wheelchair use.  The trail is full of community spirit, people interacting with each other and nature, and it promotes healthy living. What has more grace than this?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Genesis 17

...When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram...
I wonder if others look for those moments when the Lord appears to them. Does God appear to that one person, or to anyone who will open their eyes and see God in that space and time?

Today I was at a board meeting for a group concerned with Community Chaplaincy with those who are ex-offenders, parolees, and their families.  This board, with governement funds, research grants, and support from Corrections Canada, has started the process to offer Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) groups.  CoSA are support groups that centre around a released high-risk offender (often sexual offender); 75%  of ex-offenders who participate in these groups do not re-offend.

This is where I felt grace in the chaos of today.  There are people who love high-risk offenders and are willing to support them, offer service, and enter into relationship.  This is healing.  This is grace.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Genesis 16

...Have I really seen God and remained alive after seeing him?...
A friend has been struggling over the past few years; their life is like a bad "B" movie.  Today I had the pleasure of going for coffee with this friend.  Conveluted circumstances are working themselves out, and there is a plethera of signs the end of the tunnel is near.  To see hope and excitement once again dancing in my friends eyes because burdens and stress are lifting...this is GRACE!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Genesis 15

...look toward heaven, and count the shall your descendants be...
Today's grace moment came through an interchange with one of my daughters; she is on her journey of discovering who she is and where she is going to direct educational goals for future job posibilities. 

It is hard to believe, that seven years ago, the children who bless our lives now where not part of this household.  My children are adopted.  I see such grace in them and in the decision to adopt.  One's perspective of what is mine, changes through this experience.  To have descendants that fill the world, are numbered with the stars, has a whole new meaning.  It doesn't mean blood kin, perhaps not even offspring of the three in my house now.  It is about a continuance of creation.

There is grace in letting go and realizing that the world, the world's peoples, my kin, are out of my control.  The joy is found in creation being on a journey of discovering who they are and their relationship with the world around them, and the their creator.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Genesis 14

...and they were allies.....
Last night I attended a play entitled, "Rabbit Hole".  It was about a husband, wife, her mother, and her sister,  coping with the accidental death of their 4 year old son. Now such plays always make me a little hesitant, often such pieces of art try to come up with conclusions, answers, or leave a sour taste in one's mouth.  Pleasantly surprised, I was left with a feeling and sense of grace.
A broad spectrum of emotions, occurences, stages of grief, the terrible phrases people say, pat answers -they were all delved into.  And in the end, the couple sits and reflects on taking one hour at a time, one tiny step at time, and then asking, "then what?"; leaving the audience with the hope that there will be something -not sure what, but there will be something.  It is the "somethings" that are the moments of grace. 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Genesis 13

...So Abrahm went up from Egypt...
I have been up in Ontario for a meeting over the past few days. One of my favourite parts of travelling is sitting in the Toronto airport waiting to return home. I am always delighted and astounded by the diversity of peoples -those travelling and those working in that airport. What grace there is in being able to live in a place where people with such rich stories make up the fabric of who we are. Living together (in relative harmony) and working side-by-side is a gracefilled endeavour.

May This Church Be like a Tree

  May This Church Be like a Tree – what a beautiful prayer and blessing for the church. This blessing was written in the form of a hymn by...