Saturday, February 27, 2010

Genesis 12

..."Get out of your country, from your kindred and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you."
I had coffee (tea) and yummy goodies with a group of people who came from Germany during or after the WWII. Some fled, others were displaced persons; all have stories that are incomprehensible to many of us. After WWII, Canada Lutheran World Relief was organized -as a Lutheran response to a world in chaos, by bringing displaced persons and refugees(many of Lutheran heritage) to Canada. At the time, it took a lot of hard work to convince individual Canadian churches and commuities to welcome these new immigrants.
Today Canada Lutheran World Relief still brings refugees to Canada, but the places of origin are different. Presently many are from the continent of Africa. It is taking a lot of hard work to convince individual Canadians, the governement, and communities to welcome these new immigrants.
I was graced to be in the presence of a room full of people who have experienced far more than I can imagine -or ever want to experience. I was graced by their wisdom, strength, and the community they share with each other.
As an outside, I was embraced, included, spoken to in English -although when together they like to speak German, they asked about my story. I was graced to be fully part of a community to which others would say I do not belong. Today I belonged.
May I be a gracious supporter of all who feel excluded and in some way help to bring more immigrants to Canada so I can experience grace through them.

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